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The Coolest New Tech to Look Forward to in 2024
Dec. 19, 2023
The Coolest New Tech to Look Forward to in 2024

The Coolest New Tech to Look Forward to in 2024

As we turn the page on 2023, it’s fun to think about what new technologies might make an appearance in 2024. There are of course some gadgets that get upgraded and released every year without fail. And then every once in a while, a groundbreaking new technology comes out and improves the lives of everyone who can get their hands on it.

We’re hoping that 2024 will be one of those kinds of years when it comes to technology. Until we can watch it all unfold, here’s what we know will likely come out in 2024 so far.

Apple Vision Pro

You probably saw a preview of the Apple Vision Pro when it was announced in June, 2023. This device will actually hit the shelves very soon, possibly even January 2024.

Apple’s VR headset will offer a groundbreaking user experience that allows users to interact with a virtual interface without the need for anything but the headset itself. Users can simply tap their fingers together in order to click on items, and can use other hand gestures to manipulate virtual windows that appear transparent through the headset.

One of the coolest things is that the headset tracks the eye movements of its user in order to focus on various on-screen items.

A New Console from Nintendo

The Nintendo Switch, which came out in 2017, had become the third best-selling console of all time. Sales are currently over 125 million. Considering that, traditionally, console makers have released their next model roughly every seven years, it’s just about time for Nintendo to release their follow-up to the Switch.

Dev kits for the new console have already been sent to certain studios. Nintendo has done its due diligence in keeping hardware development secret, but it seems likely that we’ll see a late 2024 release.

iPhone 16

It’s a bit too early to be able to predict what the iPhone 16 series will offer, but rumors speculate that it will include camera upgrades, a upgraded processor and design, and an upgraded microphone that can better support voice commands.

More AI functionality also seems likely considering that’s what many of Apple’s competitors are planning to offer.

Samsung Galaxy S24

Likely seeing a release much sooner, probably January or February, the next iteration of Samsung’s flagship smartphone will be released in 2024. The Galaxy S series is the iPhone’s top competitor, and it’s what many consider to be the best Android option.

According to rumors, the S24 series will retain its floating camera on the front, but will include upgrades to the battery capacity, processor, cameras and more.

Apple Watch Series X

2023’s Series 9 release appears to be a standard upgrade, but the 10th rendition of the Apple Watch could bring some exciting new features.

After all, one of the iPhone’s most revolutionary models was the iPhone X, which had competitors imitating their screen design for years after. Maybe the Apple Watch Series X could be groundbreaking as well.

WiFi 7

The next generation of WiFi, which typically comes out every two years years or so, is technically already out. But it will be adopted on much larger scale all throughout 2024.

By 2025, it should be the standard, and that means internet connection speeds will be much faster and more stable in cafes, work spaces, malls, and just about everywhere else where WiFi 7 will likely be adopted.


It’ll be exciting to see all of the technology above in use in 2024. What’s even more exciting though is what we might expect for 2025, 2026, and beyond. At the rate we’re going, our highly technological world will advance immensely over the next few years.

Most notably, it’ll be fascinating to see where generative AI takes us along the way, and how the gadgets of tomorrow will adapt to the world-changing power of AI.