It's Fall Y'All!
Members of the Zero-In team are celebrating the fall season with hiking, car shows, baking and pumpkin fun! Take a look at some photos and a recipe they've shared.
Steve on our Warehouse Team got an up-close view of bear cubs waiting in a tree for their mom.

Lisa in Admin had a fun hike out with her pup.
Alex on our Engineering team took his vintage BMW out to the second to last car show of the season in New Canaan, CT.

Senior Digital Account Manager Brittany carved pumpkins with new friends visiting from Paris. It was their first time making jack o lanterns, and they shared spooky-themed French words before they carved. C'est pas sorcier!
Creative Director Uriah shared some scenes from autumn in Hudson Valley, NY

A fun and spicy jalapeno popper recipe shared by Sumer on our Config team
"For Halloween snacks, we like cooking Mummy Jalapeño Poppers. Get a bag of large Jalapeños, cut them in half long ways; gloves recommended. Using cream cheese mixed with cheddar cheese for the filling, pastry dough for mummy wrapping, candy eyes for peeping eyes, and red candy spray for blood, you've got some mummies ready to cook. Toss in the oven for 10 minutes at 350F. To avoid cheese loss, don't fill the Jalapeño half all the way, but about half or 2/3 filled. When removing from oven, wait about 10 minutes before eating, as the cheese is hot and will burn your mouth. After waiting, enjoy to your hearts content."
Pierogi, Marketing Manager Katy's new pup, is wondering when he will become as big as the pumpkins!